Victoria Park in 2024 - As Winter
w/e 08 December 2024
All of this week's pictures were
taken with a Nikon D3300

There has already been snow in these parts but as
the worst days of winter weather still lie ahead of us, the plants
and trees in the park are closing down in preparation.

The odd tree here and there though are still reluctant to accept
the change and are hanging on to some of their leaves.

The play area is still open for use but was deserted on the morning
we visited.

It's not only the plant life that is closing down, the birds
are busy too preparing for winter. This one appeared to be furiously
digging to create an underground tunnel and was up to its knees
in leaves but it was probably only searching for a tasty snack.

The Duke Oak, with or without its leaves always looks majestic.

Looking over the hedge and the Long Border from the central area
of the park, the bowling green looked to be in good condition
but there was no activity and the Barefeet in the Park kiosk
was also closed.

It may be an optical illusion but the absence of leaves seems
to open up the views to Bristol Road and Drummond Road through
the trunks and branches of the trees.

The same is true of the pergola.

As we approached the pergola we made the acquaintance of a dog
and his owner. This was not unusual as for more than half of
our monthly visits to the park this year we have been befriended
by a dog. This was another friendly canine who goes by the name
of Freddy.

It's hard to miss the bandstand in the park at any time of year
and this is a view of it from under the pergola.

We started this month noting that not all
the trees had lost their leaves and of course there are some
evergreens in the park that will retain their appearance come
rain or shine. Snow and frost may change that appearance but
that will only be temporary.

And so, before we leave the park for this year, one last look
at the central area where large black birds had it all to themselves.
I for one, and I'm not alone, hope there is a rethink for 2025
and that the flower beds are reinstated here even if it is not
possible in other areas of the park.