Victoria Park in 2024 - Children & Chirping
w/e 04 February 2024

All of this week's pictures were taken with a Nikon D3300

A month by month look at Ilkeston's Victoria Park in 2024 - Part 02 February.

Victoria Park Entrance

Although winter is still not over, the weather has certainly taken a step in the right direction since our visit in January and the blue sky over the park made for a spring-like appearance as we approached the Drummond Road/Bristol Road entrance from New Lawn Road.
Drummond Road

As we approached the entrance we could hear the chatter of a large number of children in the park so decided to walk along Drummond Road as we didn't want to upset anyone by taking photos near them.
School Outing

From Drummond Road we could see several crocodiles of the infants wearing yellow safety jackets being led around the bandstand and surmised it was an educational outing from a local school.
Play Area

There were several groups of the supervised children roaming around the park but surprisingly there were none near the Play Area which we approached across the small car park off Drummond Road.

On the other side of the Play Area the park looked almost deserted but we could still hear the chatter of the excited children as we turned to follow the signs towards the Refreshment Kiosk and Bowling Green.

Friendly Dog

Friends often meet up at the park and enjoy time together and even strangers, a little reticent at first, soon become friendly - as evidenced by this dog and his owner.
Beds & Border

We continued our stroll through the park passing the central beds, full of plants but not yet flowering, and the long border.

In recent years several trees in the park have succumbed to storms and high winds so it's good to see replacement saplings have been planted.
Insect Hotel

It's also good to see a large insect hotel in a sheltered corner of the park near the bowling green.

As we prepared to leave the park, the children had been led away and their chattering had subsided and now the only noise was from the birds that were flitting between the trees and chirping to each other.
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