Walking For Health
Potter's Loop - Part 01
w/e 02 February 2020
All of this week's pictures were taken with a Kodak DX6490

This Walking For Health route is from the Monday Strollers' programme of walks and is a little under three miles in length. Participants in WFH groups walk at their own pace and the idea is to start slowly, build up speed in the middle and slow down towards the end. Walking on my own on a bright and breezy Saturday morning I completed the circuit, including stops for photos, at a fairly brisk pace throughout in 56 minutes.

Leisure Centre

Like several other Monday Strollers' walks this one started at the Victoria Park Leisure Centre and crossed the road into Victoria Park.

Victoria Park

Instead of wending my way through the park I took a more direct route along its edge on Bristol Road. I think I can be forgiven for taking the short cut as I had already walked about a mile and a half to the starting point from home.
New Lawn Road

The first half of the WFH route follows the same one as the Gallows Inn Linear route until it reaches Potter's Lock on the Erewash Canal. This means leaving the park at the Drummond Road entrance and walking along New Lawn Road, crossing Lord Haddon Road (above) as far as St Mary Street. The sign pointing to the Market Place is still correct but the Courthouse also on the sign was demolished some time ago and replaced by Derby College's Ilkeston Campus!
St Mary Street

A left turn just before the College leads all the way along St Mary Street.
To Anchor Row

And at the far end the route continues straight across the Lower Market Place to Anchor Row, the footpath by the side of The Observatory (Wetherspoons) to High Street, the Erewash Museum and the underpass under Chalons Way.

Just beyond the underpass the route is crossed at the intersection of the paths by another WFH route followed by the Strollers, the Ilkeston Circular.

The whole open area here is Chaucer Old Park and the path between the underpass and the part of the park known locally as 'Illy 'Oleys (after the hills and holes created long ago by mineral mining) has become a mini nature reserve. All sorts of birds, most notably blackbirds and robins are common sights as are squirrels and as someone has left a pile of scraps for the animals, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see rats as well.
'Illy 'Oleys

After a brief pause to watch the squirrels scampering about I continued across 'Illy 'Oleys towards Cantelupe Road and Park Cemetery.
Park Crescent

Many people probably don't realise that although the road to the left where the path across 'Illey 'Oleys meets the road is Cantelupe Road, the continuation of road to the right and past the cemetery entrance as far as Millfield Road is called Park Crescent. Park Avenue joins Park Crescent at the houses seen here on the right. Cantelupe Road was an extension to Park Crescent in the early 1900s.
Park Farm Estate

From Millfield Road the route now continues through footpaths between the houses built on the former Park Farm to reach Heathfield Avenue where a left turn into Monks Close leads to a lane and then directly to Potter's Lock on the Erewash Canal. From there this route diverges from the Gallows Inn Linear to go in the opposite direction back to the Victoria Park Leisure Centre.
Forward to Part 02

To see a map/aerial view of the whole route in a new window follow this link.

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