Ilkeston - Another Classic
w/e 11 August 2019
All of this week's pictures were
taken with a Kodak DX6490
With the Carnival and Summer Sounds events both falling
victim to the weather this year and having seen the forecast
for this weekend, I had some serious doubts about whether the
Heritage & Classic Vehicle Show would actually take place
on Sunday August 11th. Thankfully my fears were unfounded and
I was able to take a few shots of the event. On the other hand,
a camera malfunction meant that I was only able to download about
half of the photos I took. All those of the Art Exhibition in
the Cantelupe Centre, the Lower Market, Bath Street, East Street
and the Museum disappeared into thin air so this selection is
from the Market Place, Pimlico and Wharncliffe Road area only.

The changeable weather probably deterred some people but even
the rain at about 11:30am didn't put others off.

Ilkeston Brass however were nowhere to be seen although their
instruments were getting a soaking outside the Town Hall.

On the car park at the back of the Town Hall the East Midlands
Branch of the Notts and Derbys Morris Minors Owner's Club displayed
their classic vehicles.

And the Pimlico Car Park was taken over by heavy vehicles a Craft
Fair and stalls.

At the side of the Town Hall on Wharncliffe Road were a number
of old buses including this Midland General for Swingate and
a steam engine was just arriving to park outside the old Police
Station a throw back to two different time periods.

On the Market Place a fleet of old Barton's buses were also a
throw back to another era but still made an impressive display.

With the rain still pouring down bikers took shelter under the
canopy on the former Co-Op building behind a row of sports cars.

As the rain eased and eventually stopped they returned to their
bikes which were parked all around the War Memorial.

Also close to the War Memorial were three gazebos manned by representatives
of the Ilkeston Life newspaper, the Local History Society and
the Friends of Bennerley Viaduct, three organisations all doing
valuable work for the local community.

Many people were wearing hats because of the weather but it was
the bonnets (and the vehicles behind them) that were drawing
most attention.

Fortunately the weather cleared up and all those who attended
the event must surely have enjoyed seeing all the different vehicles
large and small.

By the time 3:00pm had come round I'd returned home but just
after heard the roar of an aircraft engine overhead which reminded
me the a Lancaster Bomber was due to fly over the Heritage event
at 3:07pm, weather permitting. Dashing outside with camera and
hoping it would not malfunction again, I managed just a couple
of shots as it circled the Market Place and then passed overhead
before disappearing into the distance. On a day of Classic and
Heritage vehicles, this is yet another classic.