Local Area - Choices
w/e 14 July 2019
All of this week's pictures were taken with a Kodak DX6490

There are times in the year when organised events are few and far between. Then there's July when the choices of places to go and things to see appear endless.

Lakeside Festival

Last Sunday for example, July 7th, we chose to visit the Lakeside Festival at Kirk Hallam again.


Natural history was a prominent feature at the Festival with stalls raising money for various animal related charities. The Cats Protection League, the RSPB, Butterfly Conservation, Fudge & Co (Exotic Animal Encounters) were all there among many other stalls around the lake. The swans that can usually be found on the lake seemed unperturbed in the natural habitat but a young swift was being hand reared ready for its long flight to Africa and a barn owl found many new friends as it perched on the glove worn by visitors to the Festival.
Derby Serenaders

Entertainment was provided all afternoon around the site and members of the Derby Serenaders Showband enjoyed a break in the sunshine between performances.

Six days later on Saturday July 13th, the choices were even greater. This was the day of the Arena Church's Serve Day and several volunteers at The Hub on Bellfield Street embarked on a litter picking and weeding project in the surrounding area.
Serve Day

More volunteers served cream teas also at The Hub whilst at the Arena Hope shop on the Lower Market Place (and The Project on Bath Street), members of the church interacted with the local community. They also organised and ran a Fun Day with games and entertainment for children on the Beauvale Drive Play Area at Cotmanhay. This was all part of the church's commitment to serve the community and they also had a stall at the League of Friends' Summer Fayre at the Ilkeston Community Hospital which was taking place at the same time to raise funds for the Food Bank that they run from The Hub.
Summer Fayre

We arrived at the hospital shortly before the official opening time but most of the stalls were occupied and other visitors had also started to arrive. A selection of classic vehicles including two tanks offered a foretaste of the Classic and Heritage Vehicle Show to be held in Ilkeston's Market Place next month. At the Fayre there were a variety of craft stalls, a cake stall, tombolas and raffles and not all of the patients were human!. This large wheelchair confined Teddy Bear was a prize in the League of Friends' raffle.
Tasty Produce

Some of the classic vehicles can be seen here behind the lady and gentleman selling homemade jams, lemon curd and honey that you could taste before you bought - which we did!
West Hallam

We left the hospital before the Fayre got into full swing and headed straight to West Hallam where the Well Dressing Festival had already been going for over an hour.

There were many stalls here too but the Well Dressing Festival also seemed to be a festival of music with various groups playing throughout the afternoon. There were at least three choirs performing almost simultaneously in the Dales Car Park, the School Square and in St Wifrid's Church and all were very much appreciated.
Well Dressing Festival

The Well Dressing Festival in conjunction with the Scarecrow Trail is set to run all week so a return visit is on the cards. For this Saturday though we called it a day although our choices of places to go included Holbrook Village Fete, the Sawley Park Fun Day, the Beach at Nottingham and another at Beeston - well maybe next year.

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