Ilkeston - A Change In The Weather
w/e 29 July 2018
All of this week's pictures were
taken with a Kodak DX6490

The long hot summer continued and thousands of people turned
up to enjoy the "Summer Sounds" event in Victoria Park
with four hours of live music on Sunday 23rd July.

It's been so hot in these parts that even an ostrich made it
to the park!

There was a teacup roundabout, a bouncy castle and plenty of
other entertainment for children as well as the music.

Most visitors gathered around the bandstand and some made a day
of it by setting up picnic tables as they stayed for the duration
of the event.

With Disco music and various tribute acts including those for
Dean Martin and Rod Stewart, the event was brought to a conclusion
with a Take That tribute.

The hot sunny weather with clear blue skies continued throughout
the week but there was a sprinkle of rain overnight - the first
for a long time - on Friday night and although we often pass
St Thomas's Church on Nottingham Road, it was the first time
for many weeks that we had seen its reflection in the puddle
at the top of Orchard Street on Saturday morning.

The overnight rain had done little though to ease the drought
conditions that have caused cracks in the soil like this one
on 'Illy 'Oleys, The scorched grass is pretty resilient stuff
though and will soon return to pristine condition I'm sure.

Constant care and attention by the Council's Green Space Team
has resulted in a marked improvement in the Union Flag flower
beds at White Lion Square but there was something else on Saturday
that was different = clouds!

Many people have been flagging in the heat but the clouds brought
in by a so-called breeze which at times felt like a gale certainly
blew the cobwebs away.

Then as the temperature dropped to levels more usually experienced
at this time of year, the heatwave came to an end and there was
the welcome sight of raindrops on the window pane. So does that
mean summer has come to an end? Well probably not as the forecast
is for the dry conditions to return next week. The week started
with music in the park and ended with rain falling but both could
be called "Summer Sounds".