Ilkeston - 'Your Choice'
.... continued
w/e 25 June 2006
this week's pictures were taken with a Kodak DX6490
I regularly receive emails that mention places in and around
Ilkeston. Several of them ask if I have photos of various places.
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't but I usually say I'll try
and get some the next time I'm in the vicinity. I'm afraid I've
been a little lax and the number of locations requiring a visit
have accumulated on my 'Things To do' list. The time has come
though for me to resolve this and make
the effort to keep my promises. This second selection features
locations that have been chosen by various email correspondents.
Image produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.
In the first part
of 'Your Choice', there is an image of Heanor Road as a result
of an email from Bill Devey. Bill also mentioned the old Ebenezer
Chapel on or near Awsworth Road. On-line reference to an 1899
map at
is a little indistinct as to the exact location of the chapel
but I would guess that it stood where the detached house is directly
opposite the bottom of Ebenezer Street (see small image left).
Updated 2nd July - Following a number of emails I have
to admit that I was wrong. Phillippa Hickman told me her husband
Barry went to Sunday School at the Ebenezer Chapel in the 1930s
and that the main entrance was on Awsworth Road but there was
more of the chapel on Ebenezer Street. Janet Wright also wrote
to tell me that the chapel stood on the corner of Ebenezer Street
and Awsworth Road and thinks it was possibly demolished in the
late 1950s or early 1960s. I suppose I must have seen it but
honestly cannot remember it. Bob Martin was another to correct
me and included a reference (DCER000401) to a photo at Picture The Past where the description includes
"The street was named after Ebenezer Methodist Chapel,
built c 1850 on Awsworth Road corner." So with thanks
to Phillippa, Barry, Janet and Bob, this image above now shows
the correct location of the Ebenezer Chapel.
was delving into his family history but James Kelly was just
looking back to his childhood days in Ilkeston and Jackson Avenue
is where he lived before moving away from the town. The image
above is from the junction with Wilmot Street whilst the two
smaller images (left and right) are from the top of the street
and show both sides of Jackson Avenue from the junction with
St Mary Street.
James also mentioned a couple
of schools he attended as a child including the St Thomas Catholic
Primary School. It is a sad reflection of modern society that
schools now have to be surrounded by high security fences and
locked gates but from the entrance gates there is a rather pleasant
view of the playground where there appear to be a number of features
to keep the children entertained and educated even at breaks.
Swinging the camera to the right (see small image) reveals a
somewhat less pleasant view of brick building where the more
academic learning takes place.
fences are also in evidence both at the main entrance (above
and left) and around the extensive playing fields (right) at
the senior school that James attended. This is the Saint John Houghton Catholic School at Kirk
Hallam. The school has a Mission Statement which states that
it offers a Christian education where prayer, worship and liturgy
are integral parts of daily life. It's encouraging that, unlike
some schools, religion and PE are feature in the curriculum.
Not far from the Saint John Houghton School is Godfrey Drive
and an address here was another in an email from June Wiggins
in addition to The Triangle pictured in the first part of 'Your
Choice'. June's genealogical searches revealed a gentleman by
the name of William Auld, a retired Factory Night Watchman, who
was living here with his wife prior to his death in 1969.
tells me that William's wife Beatrice survived him by nearly
twenty years but there was a daughter who was living on Windsor
Crescent also at Kirk Hallam. Back in 1988 William's occupation
was given as a Coal Delivery Man. June is keen to learn more
about her roots so if anyone has any memories of William and
Beatrice or their daughter and would like to drop me a line,
I'll pass the information on to June.
To see the first selection of 'Your Choice' click here.