Walking For Health
Swan Lake Loop (variation) - Part 01
w/e 28 March 2021
All of this week's pictures were taken with a Kodak DX6490

We began this walk with the intention of following a Walking For Health (WFH) route from the Victoria Park Leisure Centre along the Manners Link, over the Pewit Golf Course to the Nutbrook Trail, through Pewit Carr and along the High Lane to Swan Lake and returning over the golf course again. Things didn't go quite to plan so a variation meant the length of the three mile walk was reduced by about half a mile.

Leisure Centre

The walk started as planned from the Victoria Park Leisure Centre where in the last couple of weeks, the green shoots have opened up to create a fine display of daffodils.
Manor Road

Like many more WFH routes this one leaves the car park behind the Centre and goes up Manor Road. Here it crosses straight over Manners Avenue to follow the Manners Link footpath opposite.
Manners Link

We followed the Manners Link footpath, which runs along the route of a former railway line, all the way through to West End Drive.
Pewit Golf Course

About half way along the footpath it reaches the Pewit Golf Course and continues with it on the right hand side.
Golf Course Entrance

A right hand turn at West End Drive leads past the Golf Course entrance and car park to a path which continues down to the Nutbrook Trail with the golf course now on the left and allotments on the right.

Easter Bunny

Access to the path is through a barrier where we were surprised by the early appearance of the Easter Bunny! (You can't say we don't see wild life whilst out on these walks).
Golf Course Path

There were one or two people on the path but no-one was playing golf as it is not allowed under the current lockdown restrictions - but they are due to be eased next week.
Nut Brook

On meeting the Nutbrook Trail we turned right and followed the path by the Nut Brook.

The Trail leads up and over a former railway embankment and over to the left we could see a flight of steps leading down from the embankment and into the Swan Lake Nature Reserve. We were going further along the Trail though to Pewit Carr before accessing the Nature Reserve from the other side.
Nature Reserve

Continuing along the Nutbrook Trail took us into the adjacent Manor Floods Nature Reserve .....
Forward to Part 02

Route Map

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