Ilkeston - The Queen's Golden Jubilee
w/e 02 June
Jubilee celebrations have begun
in earnest this weekend and on Sunday evening the first in the
series of summer band concerts took place in Victoria Park above
this floral tribute.
The bandstand was adorned with
two small Union Flags and even this motorised wheelchair was
sporting the flag of St George.
Many private dwellings too
are decorated with bunting and flags. With the World Cup also
taking place it is often difficult to ascertain whether the displays
are in recognition of the Queen's Jubilee or a sign of support
for the nation's football team..
There is little doubt here
though, in a quiet cul-de-sac that the bunting is a Jubilee decoration
Whilst the "Three Horseshoes"
and "Miners Arms" public houses on Derby Road are taking
no chances and combining both events.
And what else could the public
house called the "Prince Of Wales" be celebrating but
the Jubilee with the Union Flag draped from the upper storey