Cossall - Open Gardens
w/e 26 May
From the arched gateway of Corner Cottage
the lych-gate of the village church is visible across the road.
And many residents flung open their garden gates to the general
public in a fund raising exercise for the church.
St Catherine's Church overlooks
Corner Cottage in the heart of what appears to be a tranquil
village but this view belies the fact that hundreds of people
were milling about not too far away.
Directly opposite the white
painted cottages above, the old schoolroom attracted many customers
for refreshments on a warm Sunday afternoon.
Even more visitors wandered
around the gardens of the adjacent Willoughby Almshouses.
Whilst even more passed through
the garlanded gates of The Manor House that were flung open in
welcome too.
Gardens of all shapes and sizes
were open from simple cottage gardens to formal and ornamental
types but each had something to offer. This is an example of
just one of them.