Ilkeston - Ready For Christmas
w/e 25 December 2016
All of this week's pictures were
taken with a Kodak DX6490
"Are you ready for Christmas?" When out
and about on the town that's a commonly heard question as people
pause in their busy schedules to stop and chat for a few brief
moments. But then it's usually on again rushing about to complete
their preparations for the great day.

Some people did find time though on Wednesday afternoon, December
21st, to reflect on the real reason for the Christian celebration
when they attended the Christingle service in St Mary's Church
where they heard a story about Lambert the lost lamb.

After the presentation of the Christingles the lights were dimmed
and the congregation stood to sing "Silent Night" in
the church now illuminated solely by candlelight.

There have been extra markets this week and one stall holder
there most days had plenty of Christmas jumpers on sale. In fact
he had so many that unless there's a sudden rush to buy them
I suspect he'll still have quite a few on his hands after Christmas.

The Council are certainly getting ready for Christmas and the
New Year too with protective barriers around the fountain as
a precaution against Festive Season revellers.

Queues formed outside the butcher's and the baker's shops on
South Street towards the end of the week - these were seen on
Friday - and I suspect that if you knew where to find the candlestick
maker, there'd be a queue there as well.

But talking of baking, we had our own baking session on Friday
and made sausage rolls, mince pies (some with pastry tops and
others with icing), apricot and strawberry jam tarts and lemon
curd tarts. There were also jam tarts with a coconut sponge topping
but they were still in the oven. That lot should see us through
to Boxing Day especially with help from the family! Oh yes, we're
ready for Christmas!

I feel duty bound here to point out that we do normally have
a healthy diet but like most people do indulge ourselves a little
at Christmas. Anyway we can always make a New Year's resolution
to take more exercise but that is unlikely to be American Football
or Cheerleading. That however was the theme the staff at Earls
Hair and Beauty adopted for their traditional fancy dress on
Christmas Eve. They are all obviously ready for the Festive Season.

Meanwhile on Bath Street, Ilkeston Brass were entertaining the
last minute shoppers with a selection of Christmas Carols although
I have to admit it was not as busy as I was expecting. Maybe
most people had done their shopping early and were indeed ready
for Christmas.

There was more carol singing at the Mayor's Civic Carol Service
around the Christmas Tree on the Market Place on Christmas Eve.
Even the wind and the rain didn't put people off gathering for
the annual event as they joined in the singing to the accompaniment
of the Salvation Army Band. Many who attend feel that this is
where their Christmas starts so they must be ready.

The clock ticks on and now it's Christmas Day so anyone not prepared
by now has missed out. To quote Slade's Noddy Holder "IT'S
CHRISTMAS!!!" and like it or not it's too late now to
be asking "Are you ready for it?" Whatever its pagan
origins the mid winter festival adopted by Christians to celebrate
the birth of Jesus is symbolised on Christmas Day in churches
throughout the world by the lighting of the central candle on
the Advent wreath. This is the one in St Mary's Church on Christmas

Now, are you ready for 2017 yet?